Do Air Conditioners Help Clean Up Indoor Air Pollution?

June 20, 2020

Updated September 2023 Air conditioners are amazing inventions of the modern world. They chill your home seemingly on-demand with the push of a button. You can control settings on the AC and adjust the temperature just how you like it. However, contrary to popular belief, these units are not magical. Some people try to use them to purify the air indoors with not much success. As good as these appliances are at cooling the air, there are certain things that they cannot do. When you try to use an AC to eliminate pollution, you’re usually not accomplishing

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What are VRF Systems?

June 12, 2020

When you’re looking for an energy-efficient method of heating and cooling for a home or building, variable refrigerant flow (VRF) systems are an efficient solution. This technology was invented in 1982, but it has only recently become popular in the United States. The development of home automation systems, LEED certification, and other environmentally friendly HVAC technology have inspired many people to take a look at VRF heat pumps for their homes and buildings. Here’s what you need to know about VRF systems, including how they work, their benefits, and their applications. What VRF Means VRF refers

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Signs You Need Duct Repair

June 5, 2020

Your HVAC system’s ducts function like the human lungs. That is, they pull in dirty, moist, and warm air from the rooms in your house, clean it up, and release some fresh and cold air. Indeed, it is a cycle that ensures your residence maintains the temperature and humidity as per your settings on the HVAC system. But, like any other equipment with a limited lifespan, the ductwork can fail. Being able to pick up on the signs as soon as it happens can save you lots of repair charges. Many homeowners do not even want to

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HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

May 20, 2020

In this article, we are going to outline three HVAC troubleshooting tips for common problems you may experience. These are also issues that you may be able to fix yourself. 1. HVAC Wear and Tear This is one of the most common HVAC problems you can face. If you’re noticing that your unit has not been performing as well as it used to be, it may be due to wear and tear. This can occur even if you have your unit regularly serviced. What we can

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Things To Know About Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

May 10, 2020

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas. It can affect any home in San Antonio, TX, and its surrounding areas. It results from the combustion of fuels, such as charcoal, propane, gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. Exposure to carbon monoxide gas at low levels can make you feel sick, and at higher levels, it can lead to death. Here is what you need to know about carbon monoxide in your San Antonio-area home. What Carbon Monoxide Is Carbon monoxide is a gas consisting of one carbon molecule and one oxygen molecule. It is a

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How HVAC Has Changed Our Lives: HVAC Benefits

May 1, 2020

Due to modern technology, running an HVAC unit is easier, more efficient and safer than in the past. Everyone at Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating in San Antonio believes these advances are instrumental in saving you money and ensuring a comfortable, relaxing home. Read on to learn more about how modern HVAC systems have changed our lives for the better. Smart Sensors Ensure an Improvement in Efficiency One of the biggest technological breakthroughs in HVAC technology is smart sensors. By activating your unit, these sensors ensure more efficiency. You’ve most likely seen many different types of smart sensors. A

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8 Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

April 20, 2020

Keeping your air conditioner well maintained brings many benefits. For example, you’ll be able to ward off costly repairs. Furthermore, a properly maintained air conditioner will save you money on energy and work better for more years. You’ll be able to go much longer before you have to purchase a replacement. However, most homeowners neglect periodic AC maintenance services and only call a technician when the system is not working. If you want to make sure that your HVAC is operating at optimum efficiency, especially during the hot seasons in Texas, you need to follow a scheduled

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How Often Should I Have My Indoor Air Quality Tested?

April 11, 2020

The quality of your indoor air plays a significant role in your health and overall well-being. The presence of strange odors, aggravated allergies and various pollutants are some of the common signs indicating that your indoor air quality has deteriorated. Here at Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating, we offer professional indoor air quality services. So, how often should you test the quality of your indoor air? This will depend on a few factors and any signs of bad IAQ you notice. Strange Odors in the Home If you’ve lived in your home for some years, you’re

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Benefits of Ductless AC Systems

April 1, 2020

You may have heard of ductless air systems or units that can be used in your home, but you may not know much more than that. Ductless air systems are HVAC units that heat or cool rooms without using ductwork to relay the air. People often use them to cool rooms that need additional cooling or heating and in houses that may not be conducive to having ductwork installed. Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating has been installing these ductless systems for homeowners in San Antonio and the surrounding areas for many years, and our experienced technicians can have your system up and running quickly.

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Outdoor Air Pollution’s Effect On Indoor Air

March 19, 2020

We work hard to keep our homes clean and free of pollutants, but the reality is that we don’t live inside of a bubble. Pollutants from the outside world can easily enter your home and move into your ductwork in addition to the heating and cooling system. Once that happens, the pollution is trapped in a closed loop where it will circulate throughout your home at higher and higher concentrations. When outdoor pollutants build up inside your home, it can seriously reduce the quality of the air you and your family breathe day in and

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