March 20, 2021
Furnace Malfunction in San Antonio, TX

Reducing your household energy consumption can be beneficial on many fronts. Apart from saving you money, every little effort towards energy conservation contributes in a big way to environmental conservation when viewed cumulatively on a national level. According to the EPA, America can save up to $600 million in utility costs every year and cut harmful greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 9 billion pounds annually if every American swapped one bulb with a more energy-efficient one.

In most instances, energy conservation does not entail much. Changing old habits by making small adjustments to your daily routines can significantly contribute to energy conservation. This post will shed light on some of the ways to conserve energy at your home, which could save you money and reduce your carbon footprint.

1. Have a Professional Carry Out an Energy Audit

An energy audit can be an excellent starting point in determining your household’s energy consumption and what you can do to minimize it. Although a comprehensive energy audit can cost you lots of cash, you can take advantage of the free energy audit many utility companies offer their customers.

After the audit, your contractor will recommend some of the measures you need to take to make your home more energy-efficient. Some of these measures may include insulation, weatherstripping your doors and windows, and HVAC maintenance or upgrading.

2. Switch to LED Bulbs

Lighting technology has brought more energy-efficient bulbs, with the latest entrant being the LEDs proceeded by CFL bulbs. Compared to incandescent bulbs, the modern bulb is highly efficient by a wide margin and lasts much longer.

Replacing incandescent bulbs with new energy-efficient led bulbs should be the most logical thing to do if you hope to lower energy consumption in your home. It may seem like an expensive investment, but it is an absolute necessity that’s worth every dime. Numbers don’t lie. Switching five of the most frequently used bulbs in your home to energy-efficient led bulbs can save you as much as $75 in one year.

3. Upgrade Your HVAC System

An HVAC system’s energy efficiency will decrease with age, and at some point, upgrading is inevitable. If your heating and cooling energy consumption usually amount to more than 40% of your household’s energy consumption, it’s time for an upgrade.

Upgrading your heating or cooling units can be a technical undertaking that may require the help of a qualified HVAC expert. With the help of a professional, ensure that you invest in an energy-efficient system that will translate to savings on your utility bills.

4. Replace Old Appliances With More Energy-Efficient Units

You may not replace all your appliances at once. However, when the time comes to buy a new household appliance, ensure that you always go for energy-star-rated devices. Energy star-rated appliances consume over 15% less energy than standard appliances and are approved by the EPA for meeting all the energy efficiency requirements.

Energy star-rated appliances can be more expensive than standard devices. However, they are cheaper to run in the long run and more environmentally friendly.

5. Switch Off Electrical Gadgets at the Socket

The new smart meter technology has made it possible to determine how much standby power gadgets can consume. It may not seem too important when you think about it. However, according to a recent Natural Defense Council study, every household spends $165 annually, which translates to $19 billion nationally.

All it takes to prevent this massive waste of power is to disconnect the gadgets from the mains when you are not using them. If saving a few bucks isn’t a good enough motivation, think about the difference it can make towards achieving a greener world.

6. Check Your Home’s Insulation

A well-insulated home will ensure heated air stays in during winter and heat stays out during summer, saving on the overall cost of heating and cooling. An energy auditor can properly identify your home’s insulation level and then make recommendations on what needs to be done. Fixing your home’s insulation can be costly, but your energy auditor can help identify what parts of the house you need to focus on with minimum costs. Ensure that you enlist the services of a professional to fix your home’s insulation.

7. Seal Up Leaky Doors and Windows

Apart from inadequate insulation, leaking doors and windows can also significantly contribute to heat loss from your home during winter, impacting the cost of heating. To check for air leaks around doors and windows, move a burning candle around all the edges and connections in the window and door frames. If you notice the flame bending in some areas, you have some leaks that need fixing.

You do not need technical know-how to seal up leaks in your old doors and windows. Applying self-adhesive weather stripping to help seal up the gaps and installing a door sweep is all you need to have your house doors and windows sealed, translating into savings in your utility bills.

8. Invest in a Smart Programable Thermostat

Unlike old thermostats, you can set a programable thermostat to automatically turn off or reduce the cooling and heating at different times, helping you save on cooling and heating costs. For example, you can easily set your thermostat to reduce the heating when you are asleep or switch off when you are away.

Additionally, some programable thermostats have more advanced features that improve the heating and cooling system’s energy efficiency. Some of these features include indicators that signal various HVAC problems and air filter replacement schedules.

9. Behavior Change

Old habits die hard, but they can be costly. Embracing energy-conscious behavior can go a long way in energy conservation. All it takes is making a conscious decision to make choices that promote energy conservation. Some simple behavioral changes that could positively affect energy conservation include switching off the lights every time you leave a room and ensuring that your dishwasher and washing machine only runs when full. You can choose to minimize the use of hot water in your house unless it is unavoidable.

Final Words

More and more homeowners are becoming quite passionate about energy conservation in their homes. This move usually boils down to two important reasons: saving on utility costs and minimizing environmental damage. A little energy loss here and there, when summed up, can make a huge difference not only in terms of cost but also in its effect on the environment.

You can contribute towards making our planet greener and habitable even for the coming generations by conserving energy in your home. This list has not exhausted all the ways of conserving energy, but it can act as a starting point. If you would like to conserve energy in your home and don’t know where to start, Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating will be glad to assist you. Our team of qualified and licensed experts has years of industry experience to help you with all your energy-related needs.

We also offer other customized services that include cooling, heating, duct cleaning and repairs, indoor air quality, new constructions, and custom remodels. If you live in the San Antonio, TX region and its surroundings and require any of the services mentioned above, we will be happy to assist you. Contact us today for an appointment, and our professional and timely services will amaze you.

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