February 14, 2024

You may want a whole-house air purifier for your home but have reservations because of the prevailing myths about them. These myths may have convinced you that these purifiers are unsafe or useless. It is time to dispel these myths. Air purifiers can be beneficial for your household, and they can also enhance indoor air quality, protecting the health of your family. Check out these six common myths about whole-house air purifiers and the misconceptions surrounding them.

1. Whole-House Air Purifiers Are Unnecessary If You Have an AC

Some believe a whole-house air purifier is unnecessary if a home has air conditioning. They believe this myth because AC filters can capture large dust particles. Though ACs and air purifiers share some of the same features, such as vents, filters, and fans, they function differently. ACs cool the air within your home while air purifiers improve indoor air quality.

Air purifiers pull small particles from the air, ridding your home of dust, bacteria, mold, and pollen. Some systems have carbon filters that remove gaseous pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chemical fumes, cigarette smoke, and pet odors. So, if you want to cleanse the air in your home, you will need an air purifier.

2. Whole-House Air Purifiers Are Not as Good as Air Fresheners

Air fresheners add scents to a home, so some may think they are better than whole-house air purifiers, but this is not the case. An air freshener can mask unpleasant odors but cannot remove pollutants to the extent that an air purifier can.

While air purifiers improve your home’s indoor air quality, air fresheners can potentially worsen it. Some air fresheners are associated with increased levels of VOCs, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene. You can use air fresheners if you choose, but you can thoroughly clean the air in your home by investing in an air purifier.

3. Whole-House Air Purifiers Decrease Humidity

The myth that whole-house air purifiers decrease humidity has likely been floating around because people often confuse air purifiers with dehumidifiers. Air purifiers run the air in your home through filters to capture airborne pollutants. These filters cannot remove moisture from the air. So, air purifiers are not decreasing your home’s humidity levels.

You may feel that the air in your home is drier when you turn on your whole-house air purifier. This feeling may be because the filtered air your purifier releases circulates in a manner that can make your home feel cooler. A cooler home can feel drier to some. You can address this problem by hiring a professional to install a system that suits your home’s HVAC unit.

4. Whole-House Air Purifiers Give Off Harmful Levels of Radiation

You may have heard the myth that air purifiers are dangerous because they give off high radiation levels. Air purifiers indeed emit electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. However, the levels they release are typically low. Other devices in your home irradiate, such as your television and microwave, but, as with air purifiers, the amount of radiation they give off is tiny. It is not significant enough to pose a threat to your health.

If you are still concerned about the radiation air purifiers give off, you can procure a low-EMF purifier. Though most air purifiers give off relatively low radiation levels, some irradiate less than others. For instance, there are air purifiers that do not release radio frequency (RF) radiation. These systems do not have the smart technology features that facilitate wireless controls. Wireless technology can lead to RF radiation because they use systems such as Wi-Fi and mobile networks. You will likely experience minute levels of EMF exposure if you choose a low-EMF purifier without smart features because it will only give off magnetic and electric field radiation.

5. All Whole-House Air Purifiers Are the Same

You may have fallen for the myth that all whole-house purifiers are alike. This myth needs debunking because there are so many variations of air purifiers on the market. You could opt for systems that use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) technology. HEPA systems are one of the most common forms of air purifiers. They can remove microscopic particles without releasing toxic byproducts.

If you do not want a HEPA purifier, consider a UV purifier. This kind of system uses UV light to alter the bonds found in DNA. The lights ability to break down bonds helps it kill the bacteria and deactivate the viruses floating through the air in your home. If you appreciate HEPA and UV purifiers, know that some systems have HEPA and UV technology. For example, some air purifiers have both a UV prefilter and a HEPA filter.

Another type of air purifier you could acquire is an absorbent purifier. These systems use absorbents to physically or chemically absorb the fumes or odors in your home. Absorbent purifiers do not yield toxic byproducts and can remove VOCs. If you want to eliminate small particle contaminants, VOCs, and foul smells in your home, consider using HEPA purifiers that handle absorbent filters.

Ionic purifiers are another type of air purifier you could get. These devices generate ions, which are charged particles that can adhere to small particulates. The particulates become ionized and float down till they land on a surface. When you use an ionic purifier, you will see the ionized contaminants on the various surfaces in your home. You can use a cloth or wipes to clean the surfaces where the ionized contaminants settle. Ionic systems are usually filterless, so they are a go-to option for people who dislike buying replacement filters regularly. Know that many ionic purifiers yield ozone as a byproduct.

6. Whole-House Air Purifiers Are Unneeded in Clean Homes

Having a clean and tidy home is paramount for some. It may be for you. If you like to keep your home neat, you may have heard the myth that people with spotless homes do not need whole-house air purifiers. This myth is wholly untrue. All homes can benefit from the use of an air purifier.

Your vacuum, duster, broom, mop, and cleaning agents may be able to tackle the dirt and grime lying around the various surfaces in your home, but they cannot eliminate the microscopic contaminants in the air within your home. You will need an air purifier to remove those contaminants. So, make your home cleaner by getting a whole-house purifier.

Professional Whole-House Air Purification Services

You will need an HVAC technician to install a whole-house air purifier. In San Antonio, Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating can pinpoint and recommend the best whole-house air purifier for your home. Not only can we facilitate the installation of a cleaner in your home, but we can also engage in preventative maintenance. Our technicians are highly skilled. They will work hard to equip your home with an air purifier that meets your needs.

Contact Beyer Air Conditioning & Heating today to learn more about our air purification services as well as our heating, cooling, and sheet metal services.

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